The Canine School
About me
The canine school was established 40 years ago and for the last 20+ years I have made my home in Norfolk. I cater for all dog breeds. No dogs will be turned away no matter how bad their performance problems. Contrary to popular belief there is no such thing as an untrainable dog, some just take longer than others. I use a natural dog training method that allows owners to cope with even the most awkward canines. This method can take longer, as with all things there are no quick fixes. But I feel that the wait is worthwhile when you see the end result of your work. I train in groups to help socialise and teach your dog to ignore distractions and keep you it's main focus. I can also offer private lessons and home assessments if you are worried before joining the group. Dogs can attend once vaccinated so be it puppy or adult, all are welcome.